Wednesday, 5 June 2013

World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th and was 

created to inspire people around the globe to become active about the environment and 

learn more about ways they can help to ensure the future of our planet is safe. 

What Can I Do?

World Environment Day is all about working together to take action for the planet, 
so   try to get everyone you know interested in helping make a difference. 
Something as small as making sure people have a way to recycle in your school 
can make a difference. You could also try beautifying your neighborhood by 
planting gardens, learn about organic and local foods, or raise money for a local 
wildlife and conservation charity or simply learning about the effects of different 
Remember, we only get one planet, so let's keep it clean and 
beautiful for generations to come!

This year's observance will be celebrated in Tubmanburg, Bomi County under the global theme 
"Think, Eat, Save" which is an anti-food waste and food loss campaign that encourages people 
around the world to reduce their foot print.
The local theme is "Eat Some And Keep Some" as people are encouraged to take concrete steps 
toward reducing their food footprint.

Environmental News: