Celebrating 40 years
25th April
"In the year that coincides with the 40 years of the Portuguese Carnation Revolution (April 25, 1974), which initiated the so-called «third-wave of democratization» world-wide, in general, and the transition to democracy in Portugal (after 48 years of dictatorship), in particular, this International Conference «40 years after April 25, 1974, the Crisis of Liberal Democracies» has two major objectives.
On the one hand, it intends to be a kind of academic memorial of the successful transition to democracy 40 years ago. On the other hand, using both the contribute of several Social and Political Sciences and Humanities (History, Political Science, International Relations, Economy, Sociology, Philosophy) and combining comparative and historical approaches, the conference intends to reflect about the several indicators of a crisis of liberal and representative democracies in Europe (technocratic governments with a unclear popular mandate, party governments governing without a political mandate for their actions, consecutive and deep violation of electoral commitments by elected governments/political parties, a huge compression of social rights against the will of the people, etc.), at least since the 2008 major international financial and economic crisis since the great depression (1929).(...)"
in http://www.ces.uc.pt/destaques/index.php?id=7932&id_lingua=2
Yesterday we listened to the song "Grândola, Vila Morena", by Zeca Afonso, in class.
Listen to it again!