Saturday, 4 February 2017
 7th, 8th, 9th graders 

Writing a Biography

Steps to follow

1. Find out the basic facts of the person's life (full name, famous for, date and place of birth, family, …)
 2. Think about what else you would like to know about the person, and what parts of the life you want to write most about. Some questions you might want to think about include:
-What makes this person special or interesting?
-What kind of effect did he or she have on the world? other people?
-What are the adjectives you would most use to describe the person?
-What examples from their life illustrate those qualities?
-What events shaped or changed this person's life?
-Did he or she overcome obstacles? Take risks? Get lucky?
-What would you highlight in his/her life?

3.Do additional research at your library or on the Internet to find information that helps you answer these questions and tell an interesting story.

4.Don't forget to include the bibliograpy in your written task.


Entregar o trabalho escrito, da biografia a apresentar oralmente, na aula antes da apresentação oral, numa folha A4, sem linhas, devidamente identificada (nome, nº, ano, turma, data de entrega) e com apresentação cuidada.

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