Sunday, 29 October 2017

Correction of the homework - 8th year 

Student's File, page 33
ex. A. 
1. was sleeping, rang;
2. arrived, were making;
3. was cleaning, woke;
4. happened, were climbing;
5. was working, arrived;
6. was watching, fell

ex. B.
1. … stayed…;
2. … crashed…;
3. ...had…;
4. …arrived…;
5. …called…; 
6. … was dancing…;
7. …was having…;
8. … was delivering…;
9. …were reading…;
10. … was sending…

Student's File, page 35
1. … I usually play three times a week.
2. … my mother used to take me to school every day.
3. My brother usually watches all the matches …
4. My father doesn't usually go to work by car…
5. I used to walk to work ...

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