Sunday, 13 November 2016


The 8th graders were asked
"What do you think could never be replaced by technology?” 
some of the answers were very interesting as you can see.

«What could never be replaced by technology? I think about it sometimes!
Now, that phones and computers let you text, call and even video call people that are so far away, technology brings people together.
But, even if you see someone on the screen, you cannot give them a cuddle, or share the warmth of a hug. Sometimes, video calls make the person suffer and make her/him miss the other person even more.
So, what I think can never be replaced by technology is physical contact between loved ones.»

«In my opinion, technology is good and bad at the same time. Using a phone to communicate with our friends is great because we can talk with them by distance, but we can’t express our real feelings like we do when we communicate face-to-face. So I think real friendship could never be replaced by technology.»

«I think that human interaction, love and friendship can't never be replaced by technology because no machine has feelings. Machines could never feel love or attraction for someone, every body is different. People have their DNA but machines can always be replaced.»

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